So which did the job of keeping the pits dry and odor free?
Adidas WITH Aluminum (aka anti-perspirant) vs. Adidas WITHOUT Aluminum (aka absorbent-deo)
The results thus far: Adidas with aluminum or the anti-perspirant did the better job of keeping the pits dry and odor free!
So I did some basic basic research (Googled):
1. AAKP Answer (<--click to see article)
"...FDA issued a final rule establishing conditions that antiperspirants, which often contain aluminum, were safe and not misbranded."
2. Searchwarp 7 ingredients to avoid in deodorant (<--click to see article)
mentions how it can lead to Alzheimer's, however in the first article it only suggests that it would lead to that if large amounts are absorbed, under certain health conditions, or if you're a child (but what child uses deodorant??)
I then decided to confirm these findings with more concrete sources (using PubMed), I found that many articles (looking more towards a link between breast cancer and use of deodorant with aluminum) did not have any sound findings, or that they needed to do additional research to see the long-term effects if any.
So I think I will be at peace with anti-perspirants since "The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is issuing a final rule in the form of a final monograph establishing conditions under which over-the-counter (OTC) antiperspirant drug products are generally recognized as safe and effective and not misbranded as part of FDA's ongoing review of OTC drug products."1
That's good enough for me!
Happy Being Sweat-Free Everyone =) (and not worry about the aluminum)
p.s. Have to thank my sister for being a good sport about the picture! hahahaha <3
Next Product Test: MASCARA!
1Food and Drug Administration, HHS. "Antiperspirant Drug Products for Over-the-Counter Human use; Final Monograph. Final Rule." Federal register 68.110 (2003): 34273-93. Print.
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